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INFORMATION 2023.02.14

【鍵善良房コレクション 河井寬次郎とその系譜】Ⅰ期・Ⅱ期共通チケットについて About the Common Ticket for the 1st and 2nd Periods of the Kagizenyoshifusa Collection: Kawai Kanjiro and His Genealogy.

鍵善良房コレクション「河井寬次郎とその系譜」Ⅰ期・Ⅱ期共通チケットを 1800円にて販売いたします。

販売開始: 2/25(土)10時から
販売場所: 当館 受付


会期などの情報は 【展覧会】>【鍵善良房コレクション 河井寬次郎とその系譜】をご覧ください。

We will sell the Common Ticket for the 1st and 2nd Periods of the Kagizenyoshifusa Collection: Kawai Kanjiro and His Genealogy for the price of 1800 yen.
The number of tickets is limited, we apologize in advance if the tickets are sold out.

Sales start: Saturday, February 25, 10:00 a.m.
Sales location: Reception desk of ZENBI-鍵善良房-KAGIZEN ART MUSEUM
Price: 1,800 yen (tax included)

・This ticket allows you to enter the museum once during each exhibition period.
[Period I] February 25, 2023 (Sat) – May 21, 2023 (Sun)
[Period II] September 2, 2023 (Sat) – December 17, 2023 (Sun)
・One person may enter the museum with this ticket.
・Tickets are non-refundable and non-reissuable.
・If you lose or forget your ticket, you will need to purchase a new ticket.